Lemon lime soda, cannabis infused cream and Zkittles Terpenes make this refreshing, uplifting cremosa!

I dont drink soda often, but when I do, I drink it with #trueterpenes #terps and cannabis infused cream!🍊🍋
1 can lemon lime soda (orange soda is amazing too!) 1 teaspoon cannabis infused cream 1to 2 tablespoons heavy cream 1 drop Zkittles Strain Profile Terpenes by TrueTerpenes 3 orange peel slices Glass with ice
Place 2 slightly bruised orange peels in glass with ice, reserving one orange peel for garnish on top. Pour about 3/4 lemon lime soda over ice. Add cannabis infused cream, 1 to 2 tablespoons heavy cream (depending on preference of creaminess) and 1 drop Zkittles terpenes. Stir, top off with lemon lime soda and enjoy!
Go to buy-terpenes.com for Strain Profiles by True Terpenes
*Zkittles is about 40% Beta Caryophyllene
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