Using an All Natural Peanut Butter works the best due to its usual separation in the jar.

1 cup, unstirred all natural peanut butter including separated oils
1 tablespoon your choice oil (coconut, olive, peanut, avocado, etc.)
7 grams cannabis flower, ground
mason jar with lid and ring
large pot with water
spatula and spoon
oven mitt
Cut square of cheesecloth, fill center with
ground cannabis and pull corners together
to create a sachet. Tie with cheesecloth strip.
In mason jar, add peanut butter, oil and
cannabis filled sachet.
Use a spoon or spatula to submerge sachet in peanut butter. Add lid and ring to jar, tightly and place in large pot. Fill with water until peanut butter in jar is submerged. Bring to medium boil; boiling for about 45 minutes. Turn off burner.
Carefully, with oven mitt or canning tongs, remove mason jar from water and set aside to cool for 10 minutes. Remove lid, pour into a bowl. Carefully squeeze sachet to express the cannabis infused fats/peanut butter from plant matter into the bowl. Enjoy a few teaspoons drizzled over ice cream or your pancakes. Mix a few teaspoon into an equal part of uninfused peanut butter and make a good ol' PB&J! Use with equal parts uninfused peanut butter for cookies and other baked goods!
I store mine in a mason jar on the counter or in a cabinet so its ready to use whenever I want.