Cannabis Infused Allergen Friendly Coconut Macaroons with Vegan Chocolate Drizzle

Yields 20 Cookies
Bake 300degrees F. for 17-18 minutes
*each cookie contains less than half a teaspoon cannabis infused coconut oil. About 5 cookies would equal 1.5 teaspoons cannabis infused coconut oil.
1 cup coconut milk
4 tablespoons coconut flour
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
2 tablespoons cannabis infused coconut oil
4.5- 5 cups unsweetened coconut flake (at 4.5 cups, start gradually adding and feeling the texture of the coconut mixture)
1/4 cup Allergen Friendly Chocolate
(I used Enjoy Life)
1 teaspoon coconut oil
Combine all ingredients, except coconut and chocolate. When first ingredients are well incorporated, add coconut. At about 4.5 cups, feel the texture and do a squeeze test. If you see liquid drain out when you squeeze a handful of coconut mixture, it needs a little more coconut. Too much can make it dry and crumbly.
Scoop, with compact, leveled scoops onto lined cookie sheets. Bake at 300degrees F. until bottoms are golden-brown around the edges. Cool on lined pan until completely set. Move unto wire rack for drizzle.
Melt chocolate in microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds, stirring in 15 second intervals until chocolate is smooth. Add 1 teaspoon coconut oil and stir until smooth. Drizzle coconut macaroons. Let set. Enjoy!
#sweetterpenes #11hydroxyexperience #cookies #cannabis #macaroons #vegan #allergenfriendly #edibles #recipes #cannachef #coconut #chocolate