in combination with THC and other cannabinoids and terpenoids is likely responsible for the effects commonly attributed to "Indica dominant" cultivars. The "couch lock" effect is more likely due to the Entourage Effect between THC, Myrcene and other cannabinoids and terpenoids found in cannabis. As, far as mangoes intensifying your high- this is also likely contributed to the Entourage Effect of different cannabinoids and different terpenoids, such as nerolidol and others found in both cannabis and mangoes. Myrcene is also found in hops, thyme, bay leaf, lemongrass, basil and many other foods we consume with that earthy, musty like scent.

I've been listening to podcasts, presentations and reading papers almost daily, trying to learn it all, when I realized, I need a visual tool to help it stick. Below, are some of the sources I used to create this diagram.