There are so many factors playing a role in: when, how strongly and how long you feel your unique cannabinoid edibles experience.

Disappointed you aren't feeling your cannabinoid edibles as quickly as your buddy? Or maybe you just don't feel on the "level" you were hoping to achieve when you started your adventure?
Time to effect depends on several factors, such as: milligrams consumed, metabolism rates, weight/body fat, tolerance, biological factors, a person’s diet or the food they consumed, deliverance of cannabinoids, if they have consumed any other adulterants (i.e. alcohol, other drugs). Even the homogenization (even distribution) of cannabinoids into the product consumed will affect how your edibles effect you from one time to another; or compared to your friends.
Oral cannabinoid consumption is a unique experience and can even be an erratic one, phasing in and out over time. This is due to the above factors and more. The 11 Hydroxy Experience is chemically different than other consumption (inhaling, sublingually ,etc.) methods. When you orally consume cannabinoids, your body processes them through your digestive tract and then metabolizes them through your liver. During this process a conversion is taking place and the former, Delta 9 THC is being metabolized into 11 Hydroxy THC, before entering your bloodstream and reaching your Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Making 11 Hydroxy THC unique to edibles; lasting 2 to 6 times longer than Delta 9 THC.
Taking longer than 20 minutes to feel the effects after eating your edibles!? This is due to the longer process for the cannabinoids to reach your ECS. For most people who consume edibles, it takes about 20 minutes and sometimes even longer than 2 hours to feel full effects. The effects can last up to 6 hours or even into the following day. As with alcohol- EVERYONE is different and metabolizes different things at different rates; not to mention all the other factors playing a role in the time to effect. Eating your cannabinoids is perfect for achieving long effects, combating insomnia, pain and anxieties. Edibles are not necessarily the best form of consumption for the beginner wanting to experiment, due to its erratic, longer lasting and somewhat unpredictable effects. If you do want to experiment, just remember to start with a small dose or amount and have patience. Waiting until the next day to consume more edibles is the best idea to avoid "the train wreck effect."
The "train wreck effect" is when you consume edibles; become impatient for the effects and then consume more- often in larger amounts. Think of it as drinking shots while sitting down and thinking you don't feel the effects- until you stand up, that is! It catches up to you and it may not be a very good experience when it does. You'll be ok- lots of water and sleep! None the less, it may not be the experience you hoped for!
I chose the name "11 Hydroxy Experience" (coined by Max Montrose from Trichome Institute in the edibles video sited below) to help familiarize home cooks and others with the term; showcasing oral cannabinoid consumption for the unique experience it truly is!
There is plenty of information about cannabis available online for free, but finding reputable sources is the most important factor! On this site, I will do my best to keep up to date information provided by reputable sources- along with my own easy cannabis recipes for the home cook cannabis enthusiast!
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**Sources you can check:
Trichome Institute Edible Consumption Video found under the online courses menu (pay for 3 months access)